Monday, August 9, 2010

Diluted Honey and Lemon Delight

Alright I've used both of their so far and they both worked really well! I'm hoping for a body infusing conditioner or shampoo eventually but neither of these were. The Diluted Honey seemed weird to me because it was so watery that it didn't really feel like I put anything in my hair. When I read up about this one it had said you'd have to rinse a lot because of the honey it didn't fell that way to me but I rinsed for a while just to be on the safe side. It made my hair really shiny, smooth and silky but a little thin. The Lemon Delight was really weird to try because of the yogurt in the mixture, some slipped down my back when I applied it and it felt really really slimy :P and I had to clean out the bottom of the tub due to the mixture making it really slippery after too. But it made my hair feel really protected and repaired as well as soft (not as shiny but not dull either). I felt self conscious because I thought I could smell the yogurt all day. Yet everyone I asked said they could not and actually up close my hair smelt great! So no worries! The honey didn't really smell like anything. I would definitely use both again! With the Lemon Delight I even used fat free vanilla yogurt and it worked but I would really stay away from any other flavours just in case of their reactions. One more thing it might be wise to let your yogurt mixture to sit out for a few minutes 'cause I found it very chilly while sliding down my back :P Enjoy these conditioners too!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Organic Conditioners

Alright I tried the virgin coconut oil by it's self as a conditioner and found since my hair is oily, straight and very thin it only made things worse for me. The coconut oil is very good in making the hair smooth and straight so probably best for dry, curly or "Full" hair!

The following is a series of Organic Conditioners and over the next few weeks I'll refer back to this blog on my progress of trying them all, the beer one I think I will try out camping next week!

Some of these have an ease of mixing up and rinsing out and others I'll put near the end need more time to complete.

Diluted Honey
For soft and silky hair
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup honey
-you may need to rinse more than once

Lemon Delight
Shine and lighten
1/4 cup plain yogurt; better plain and full fat
1 egg yolk
lemon; pinch of rind or squirt of juice

Tropical Dandruff
Shine and straightener
3 tbsp lime juice
1/4 cup coconut oil
-it is said the lime cuts the oiliness

I'm not trying that one right away I want nice looking hair! I look a bit of a saggy bum right now!

Beer Locks
1 bottle of beer
-smells like beer after

I think I'll try this one camping next week and rinse out in the lake, any of my besties want to try with me! Ha!

These following conditioners take a little more time and may be for a rainy day to treat yourself and your hair:

Avocado Mayo
Leave in 20 min after rubbing into scalp
1 small jar of Mayo or 1/4 cup of Mayo
1 Avocado
-mix until greenish and I'm guessing on the amt of Mayo I don't know how much a small jar is?!

Avocado Hair Spa
Moisturizing; good for face mask at same time
Leave in 15-20 min after rubbing into scalp
1 avocado
1 egg yolk

Bananas and Honey
Leave in 20 min after rubbing into scalp
1 banana
1/2 cup of honey
- puree banana in blender

I'll try these over the next while and report back, if anyone else is trying them please comment back your results as well to help us all...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Coconut Oil Results

I love it! My skin feels luminous! It took a little while to dry and some parts like my neck and shoulders still have a bit of oil sitting on them. I'll try using less next time and see how it goes but so far I give coconut oil as moisturizer a PLUS PLUS!

Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

My best friend is a health nut and has been raving for years about the benefits for coconut oil as a food product and moisturizer. She'd always tell me about the benefits of having a spoon of oil a day and then using the oil after showers to get smooth skin! And if anyone is interested, neither of us can say but coconut can be used as a fresh sexual lubricant. I'm sure it would smell great during, just opening the jar is delicious.

I got a jar of coconut oil from a health food store for less then $30, the one I got is called now. You can get regular, virgin or extra virgin; I have the NOW virgin coconut oil (orange label). When using it as a moisturizer it's suggested that extra virgin is better for sensitive skin, which I do have so I'll let you know what I find out using the virgin type instead. I should have researched that first before buying but it's a experiment this going back to basics! I'll just have to try to find out along the way.

After having a spoon full of the oil it went down smooth and tasted great! It is a little weird at first but it's coconut so if you don't like coconut shavings in baking goods you won't like the taste of coconut oil! I leaked some over the side of the jar and my hands now smell delicious. Lady fingers anyone!

The benefits of having a spoon or two if you like as described on the jar are numerous.
  • Fights diseases and bacterias, such as herpes, HIV, flu and the cold
  • contain vitamin E and K as well as iron, good if you are anemic
  • as a good conditioner, you just massage it into the scalp and rinse it out
  • moisturizer, just rub it onto your skin as you would any cream
  • has antioxidants to prevent aging
  • good for digestion and weight loss
There are many, many more things that I tire of listing them all just try coconut oil! I'm going for shower now so that I can try out moisturizering with the coconut oil, post later what I find out!

Later down the road look for natural hair care and I want to learn how to make all natural shampoos and conditioners...


With all the chemicals being fed to us and absorbed through our skins on a daily basis, I've decided to try to go back to basics. Why not buy natural items and make products for use on a daily basis rather than buying the chemically enhanced products. This I'm going to call going back to basics and I will look up ways to be more natural. My blogs will be based around things I find to be more natural and healthy. We come from nature why not go back to it! Could it really hurt?